Have you seen the symbol of the state flag image in the name BBM contact your friends? The flag symbol does not exist in our emoticons, and how that person raises the flag? Surely you've wondered to myself how memunculkannya.Tenang, in this article, Jaka will discuss how to bring out the flags that exist in name or chat us. Here is how:
Make sure that you install is the latest version of BBM
Then add * ID * to make the Indonesian flag, or * US * to make the United States flag.For other country code you can see below. Press CTRL + F to be more easily found.
Afghanistan * AF *
Albania * AL *
Algeria * DZ *
Andorra * AD *
American Samoa * US *
Angola * AO *
Anguilla * AI *
Argentina * AR *
Antigua and Barbuda * AG *
Armenia * AM *
Aruba * AW *
Austria * AT *
Australia * AU *
Azerbaijan * AZ *
Bahamas * BS *
Bahrain * BH *
Bangladesh * BD *
Barbados * BB *
Belarus * BY *
Belgium * BE *
BZ Belize * *
Benin * BJ *
Bermuda * BM *
Bhutan * BT *
Bolivia * BO *
Bosnia and Herzegovina * BA *
Botswana * BW *
liazil * li *
liitish Virgin Islands * VG *
liunei Darussalam * BN *
Bulgaria * BG *
Burkina Faso * BF *
Burundi * BI *
Cambodia * KH *
Cameroon * CM *
Oman * OM *
Canada * CA *
Cape Verde * CV *
Cayman Islands * KY *
Central African Republic * CF *
Chad * TD *
Chile * CL *
Colombia * CO *
Comoros * KM *
Congo * CG *
Cook Islands * CK *
Costa Rica * CR *
Croatia * HR *
Cuba * CU *
Cyprus * CY *
Czech Republic * CZ *
Democratic Republic of the Congo * CD *
Denmark * DK *
Djibouti * DJ *
Dominica * DM *
Dominican Republic * DO *
Egypt * EG *
El Salvador * SV *
England * UK *
Equatorial Guinea * GQ *
Eritrea * ER *
Estonia * EE *
Ethiopia * ET *
Ecuador * EC *
Falkland Islands * FK *
Faroe Islands * FO *
Federated States of Micronesia * FM *
Fiji * FJ *
Finland * FI *
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia * MK *
France * FR *
French Antilles * FR-AN *
French Guiana * GF *
French Polynesia * PF *
Gabon * GA *
Gambia * GM *
Georgia * GE *
Germany * DE *
Ghana * GH *
Gilliatar * GI *
Great liitain * UK *
Greece * GR *
Greenland * GL *
Grenada * GD *
Guam * GU *
Guatemala * GT *
Guinea * GN *
Guinea Bissau * GW *
Guyana * GY *
Haiti * HT *
Honduras * HN *
Hong Kong * J *
Hungary * HU *
India * IN *
Indonesia * ID *
Iraq * IQ *
Ireland * IE *
Islamic Republic of Iran * IR *
Israel * IL *
Italy * IT *
Ivory Coast * CI *
Jamaica * JM *
Japan * JP *
Jordan * JO *
Kazakhstan * KZ *
Kenya * TO *
Kiribati * KI *
Kosovo * KS *
Kuwait * KW *
Kyrgyzstan * KG *
Lao People & Democratic Republic * LA *
Latvia * LV *
Lebanon * LB *
Lesotho * LS *
Liberia * LR *
Libya * LY *
Liechtenstein * LI *
Lithuania * LT *
Luxembourg * LU *
Macao * MO *
Madagascar * MG *
Malawi * MW *
Malaysia * MY *
Maldives * MV *
Mali * ML *
Malta * MT *
Marshall Islands * MH *
Mauritania * MR *
Mauritius * MU *
Mexico * MX *
Monaco * MC *
Mongolia * MN *
Montenegro * ME *
Montserrat * MS *
Morocco * MA *
Mozambique * MZ *
Myanmar * MM *
Namibia * NA *
Nauru * NR *
Nepal * NP *
Netherlands * NL *
Netherlands Antilles * AN *
New Caledonia * NC *
New Zealand * NZ *
Nicaragua * NI *
Niger * NE *
Nigeria * NG *
Niue * NU *
Northern Mariana Islands * MP *
Norway * NO *
North Korea * KP *
Pakistan * SR *
Palau * PW *
Palestine * PS *
Panama * PA *
Papua New Guinea * PG *
Paraguay * PY *
People's Republic of China * CN *
Peru * PE *
Phillipines * PH *
Poland * PL *
Portugal * PT *
Puerto Rico * PR *
Qatar * QA *
Republic of Moldova * MD *
Reunion * RE *
Romania * RO *
RU Russian Federation * *
Rwanda * RW *
Saint Kitts and Nevis * KN *
Saint Lucia * LC *
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines * VC *
Samoa * WS *
San Marino * BC *
Sao Tome and Principe * ST *
Saudi Arabia * SA *
Scotland * SCT *
Senegal * SN *
Serbia * RS *
Seychelles * SC *
Sierra Leone * SL *
Singapore * SG *
Slovakia * SK *
Slovenia * SI *
Solomon Island * SB *
Somalia * SO *
South Africa * ZA *
South Korea * KR *
South Sudan * SS *
Spain * ES *
Sri Lanka * LK *
St. Pierre and Miquelon * PM *
Sudan * SD *
Suriname * SR *
Swaziland * SZ *
Sweden * SE *
Switzerland * CH *
Switzerland * CH *
Syrian Arab Republic * SY *
Taiwan * TW *
Tajikistan * TJ *
Thailand * TH *
Timor-Leste * TL *
Togo * TG *
Tokelau * TK *
Tonga * TO *
Trinidad and Tobago * TT *
Tunisia * TN *
Turkey * TR *
Iceland * IS *
Turkmenistan * TM *
Turkmenistan * TM *
Turks and Caicos Islands * TC *
Tuvalu * TV *
Uganda * UG *
Ukraine * UA *
United Arab Emirates * AE *
United Arab Emirates * AE *
United Republic of Tanzania * TZ *
United States of America * US *
UY Uruguay * *
US Virgin Islands * VI *
UZ Uzbekistan * *
Vanuatu * VU *
Vatican City State * VA *
Venezuala * VE *
Vietnam * VN *
Wales * WLS *
Wallis and Futuna * WF *
Western Sahara * EH *
Yemen * YE *
Zambia * ZM *
Zimbabwe * ZW *
That country codes which can be used to add a flag on BlackBerry Messenger. Do not forget, you can download the software for free or read a lot of other interesting articles on Wawan's Babbling Place. Good Luck!
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How to Build a flag icon or symbol in the BBM
Thursday, March 26, 2015
How to Build a flag icon or symbol in the BBM
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